It reaches up to 57 cm and weighs between 296 to 400g. Its color is entirely blue, with the head being a little paler and the wings being darker.
Status of conservation
Considered EXTINGUISHED in nature (CITES I). The last specimen disappeared in 2000, leaving just over 60 individuals bred in captivity, most of them outside Brazil.
Source: IUCN
Geographical Distribution
Curaçá, city in the north of Bahia.
Savannah gallery forests where the caraíba, or Trumpet tree (Tabebuia caraiba) is prevalent.
Seeds of Jatropha sp, Cnidoscolus sp; fruits of Ziziphus sp and Maytennus sp.
Illegal hunting and trafficking, as well as habitat destruction and degradation.
There is a study group with international efforts to recover the species, coordinated by IBAMA. The positive effects of the real involvement of the local population, promoted by the Spix’s macaw Project in Curaçá, Bahia ( are still effective and, at the same time, an increase in the captive population is sought , the specific habitat is conserved, aiming at future reintroductions.